Monday, August 20, 2012

no choice

I'm afraid... I am left with no choice... just moving hurt like hell...

The pain is excruciating... standing up is a challenge... walking is impossible...

You know me... I can tolerate pain... but this is just too much pain...

So, I don't think I have much choice... I would have to resign from work... I don't want to... believe it or not, I actually love working... being around people... talking... and even if, I need the money... I have to love what I do... it really a simple as that... love what you do...

But I really can't... my back and right leg hurts so bad... and that is not all, it is worsening my neuropathy... people are sedated for a lot less pain than this... and that I am worried one day, I would wake up not able to walk anymore...

It is kind of cruel actually... I don't know what caused it... why it had to happen to me... why now... just when I thought things are looking up... and that I was full of hope... life is a bitch...

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