Monday, June 13, 2011

i am the only one

I am his only son, his only child. No one else. I don't have a younger brother. I don't have step brothers. I am his only son, his only child and that he is willing to give me everything there is. Without question.

Unlike my mom.

I told my mom she does not need to go home, I actually don't want her to go home. Basically because, my dad is already around, at least for a week. And my newly found uncle have committed himself to staying with me. And we might need money, for the hospital bill. But still she went home. I only found out when Papa told me he would get her at airport at lunch.

Papa and Mama have not seen each other for what, more than 20 years... I have doubts Papa will recognize her, more so with mom's blurry eye sight, she needs glasses already, she just refuse to admit so. But Papa did recognize Mama instantly. Guess, they were husband and wife for a few year, spawn two boys, it won't be easy to forget.

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