Sunday, November 20, 2011

We were silent

I was silent...

His eyes down... 

How does it really ends...

Would someone shout, "cut" and off t the next scene...

No, this is real life...

He then said... I guess, he thought he needed to say more...

"I never felt that you needed me...?"

I stayed silent... as if I had not heard him... or that it could be construed as I am in complete agreement...

Earlier... he said he have met someone... and that he was nice... and that he felt nice being with that someone... and that he wanted to be with that someone... they have been with each other...

I just nodded... bitterly, I smiled... but I stayed silent...

Not a word from me, I guess he thought he should say some more... or that, he feared the deafening silence... he patronized me... telling me he does not deserve me, I deserve better... it was not me... it was all him...

I never needed him... I don't need him to get by everyday... I don't need him to live... i don't need him to be happy... I don't need him for anything... I just wanted him... him, with all his quirkiness... I never needed him... I just wanted him... I love him that way... not because he was giving me something... I just love him...

And I love him that much... I am not going to stand on his way... I wanted him to be happy... he said he was nice... and that he was happy with him... No, I won't stand on his way...

"I have nothing more to say... forgive me...?"

Hurt... not anger... it should have been instantaneous... I guess I was afraid of that, that's why I stood there silent... hurt... I didn't want to feel anger...

I looked him in the eyes... I knew my eyes wouldn't hide  me wanting to plea for him to stay... I looked away... 

He walked away...

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